3 Home Visit
Now that you have set your target participant sample and completed all the steps listed in the recruitment process, these instructions will help you prepare for your participant home visit.
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At the end of every home visit (for each participant), you will upload the following:
exactly 4 videos (to your Databrary repository)
- One-hour naturalistic play (include: decibel measure, shoes if child is wearing them in the house)
- House walk-through (include: measurements of each room, sleeping arrangements, clothing, books, toys, shoes if child is barefoot)
- 5-min structured play (focus on child and mom, even if they leave mat area)
- Questionnaires (set up camera on tripod, focus on mom) - exactly 1 decibel meter file (to your Databrary repository)
exactly 3 questionnaire files (through the KoBo Toolbox app)
- demographics questionnaire
- home visit questionnaire
- post-visit notes
3.1 Arrival introduction
Note: Experimenters should always act in a professional and respectful manner when interacting with the participants and while in the home. Do not make comments or react to anything in front of the mom to make her feel uncomfortable. All families should feel that their participation in the study is meaningful.
- Ask if you should take your shoes off.
- Ask for good place (i.e. out of child’s reach) to put backpack and coat.
- Do not leave the tripod and other equipment lying around.
- Do not engage or warm up to the baby. Just need to make mom feel comfortable.
3.2 Consent to participate
Experimenter should explain the study and ask mom to sign the consent.
3.3 One-hour natural play video & noise measurement
3.3.1 Decibel Meter
- Set up tablet, put in microphone.
- Ensure that “Audio Tool” is force closed.
- Place device in the most central place in the home (e.g., living room).
- The microphone should be facing towards the room (e.g., away from walls) and propped up on the tablet case so that it is not lying flat against the surface of the space.
3.3.2 One-Hour Natural Play Video
General Recording Guidelines
- Aim to get 60 minutes of uninterrupted natural play recoding, in addition to the time you take to give instructions, record the decibel meter and shoes.
- Keep camera on the child at all times. Specifically, ensure that the child’s whole body is visible on camera. If mom is in frame, capture as much of her body as possible without compromising the view of the child.
- Record in front or to the side of the child as much as possible.
- Do not zoom in.
- Always try to stay toward the edge of rooms and doorways. You do not want to influence child to interact with you, or get in child’s way.
- Remain at as far a distance as possible (~3 to 5 m, hugging the wall) so that the child is not distracted by your presence.
- Try not to interact with the child or make eye contact with the child. Just watch through the viewfinder of the camera.
- If mom asks to pause the camera, ask for permission to point the camera away so you can continue recording audio.
One hour natural play - view of experimenter
Begin recording and say:
3.4 Video House Walk-through while measuring rooms
Start recording and say:
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House walkthrough - Spanish
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Ensure that all of experimenter’s personal items, recording equipment, yoga mat and toys for structured play are stored out of sight.
Video capture tips:
- Watch recording through viewfinder to ensure that the view is not blurry or shaky
- Move the camera slowly and walk slowly
- A clear and steady view, free of blurriness and shakiness, is necessary for detailed coding of the home environment
- The laser measure device does not work against reflective surfaces (mirrors, glass walls, etc), so point to a non-reflective surface or measure from the reflective surface towards the opposite direction.
About room measurements:
- You will measure all rooms in the house while you do the video walkthrough
- A room is any space used by someone on a regular basis - bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, basements - they don’t need to have windows
- A room has to have a clear demarcation (e.g., a wall or an entry). A space is considered to be a room if it has a minimum of 3 walls.
- If the room has a short divider (e.g., when a kitchen and a living room are divided by a counter), count as one big room and measure accordingly.
- Start at the entrance of the home.
- Pause at the entrance of each room.
- Audibly name the room by its function (e.g.,
This is where [CHILD] sleeps ). - First, get as much of the Entire Room in frame as possible. Keep the camera zoomed out and make sure to capture the ceiling and the floor of the room.
- Next, pan the camera SLOWLY from Left to Right.
- Then, pan the camera to Floor, name the different types of surfaces in the space (hardwood, plush carpet, thin rug, linoleum, tile, etc.), and then pan to the Ceiling.
- Ask parent if child spends time in each room:
Does [CHILD] spend any time in this room? ¿[CHILD] pasa algo de tiempo en este cuarto? - Ask parent about child’s objects in the room:
Do you keep anything for [CHILD] in this room? (If yes) Would you mind showing me? ¿Guarda algo para [CHILD] en este cuarto? (If yes) ¿Me lo puede mostarar por favor? -
Ensure during the house walkthrough that the parent provides information on all of the following:
Children’s Sleeping Arrangements.
Please show me where [CHILD] typically sleeps. Por favor muéstreme donde [CHILD] duerme típicamente. -
Child’s Clothes.
Please show me where you keep [CHILD]’s clothes. Por favor muéstreme donde guarda la ropa de [CHILD]. -
Child’s Shoes.
Please show me where you keep [CHILD]’s shoes. Por favor muéstreme donde guarda los zapatos de [CHILD]. -
Child’s Books.
Please show me where you keep [CHILD]’s books. Por favor muéstreme donde guarda los libros de [CHILD]. -
Child’s Toys.
Please show me where you keep [CHILD]’s toys. Por favor muéstreme donde guarda los juguetes de [CHILD].
Children’s Sleeping Arrangements.
- Film the Location of the storage space (drawer, toy chest, cabinet) in clear context of the rest of the room. Then, SLOWLY and CLEARLY film the Contents of the storage space to show what is inside of it, zooming in if needed. (Overhead view for bed, crib, drawers, toy chest, etc.; Zoomed in side view for cabinet, closet, bookshelf, etc.)
- Hold the camera in one hand while you take measurements of the room using the other.
- Turn measure on by pressing ON/DIST button. Make sure the laser beam is visible.
- Measure wall to wall, lengthwise and widthwise.
- If a room has an odd or asymmetrical shape (i.e., any shape other than a rectangle or a square), measure the largest rectangle or square area of the room.
- Place the base of the laser flat on the wall, push ON/DIST againt to send the beam across the room (avoid moldings, door castings, reflective surfaces)
- Repeat the above for the second dimension (length or width)
- Focus camera on laser measure for each measure and read numbers out loud with units (e.g.
eight point five feet )
- Turn measure on by pressing ON/DIST button. Make sure the laser beam is visible.
- Do ** NOT ** turn off the camera when walking to next room.
- Walk SLOWLY.
- When all rooms are recorded, walk back to the entrance of the home and then stop recording.
3.5 Five-minute Structured Mother-Child Play
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Structured Play - Spanish
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Place the mat on a clearing on the floor.
Start recording and say:
- If the child is playing with a different toy before the recording, ask mom if she can put the toy away.
- Hand tote bag with toys to mom. Quickly point the camera at the child and mom and note the time on the viewfinder. Record for an additional 5 minutes.
- Record so that the child and mother’s entire bodies - faces, eyes, and hands - are captured. If child stands up, make sure to capture the feet. If you are in a position from which you cannot capture the full face and both eyes, position yourself to capture a profile view.
- If child and mom are separated at any point, focus camera on child.
- Use timer on camera to time engagement.
- After 5 minutes, say “Great job! We can now move on to the questionnaires.”
- If the child is still playing with the toys after 5 minutes, let the child play and continue on to the questionnaires.
3.6 Questionnaires
3.6.1 Setting up for Questionnaires
- Position yourself in front of mom, with the paperwork between you.
- Set up the tripod to capture both you and mom. You will need to change the battery on the camera to ensure sufficient power.
- Give mom a copy of the colored answer scales.
- Give mom a copy of MCDI and Rothbart so that she can follow along when needed.
3.6.2 Questionnaires
All questionnaires should be administered in the primary language of the mom.
12-month bilingual (Spanish instructions)
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You will fill out all questionnaires on your computer or your tablet using the Kobotoolbox app. Here are the 8 questionnaires you will use, in the following order:
Questionnaire |
Demographic Questionnaire |
(Over the phone with mom) |
Home questions: - Language (MCDI) - Health - Temperament (Rothbart) - Locomotor Milestones - Media Use - Pets - Division of labor - Typical Day |
During Home Visit (In person with mom) |
Post-visit notes |
After Home Visit (Experimenter alone) |
You will administer all the questionnaires online using the KoBo Toolbox application. Links to all the questionnaires can be found in the tables below (please click on the icon to go to the live KoBo Toolbox questionnaires online). In case of technical issues (and to have a paper copy of all questionnaires during home visits), please download the pdf version (
) of the questionnaires from below. For printing, each of the above forms are bundled into sets for different age and language combinations. (Please note that presentation and format will differ from the Kobotoolbox app.)