C Questionnaires
C.1 Demographic (screening) questionnaire (English)
A PDF version of this document may be found on Databrary at https://nyu.databrary.org/volume/876/slot/39021/-/asset/214498
Note: The demographic questionnaire should be completed by the experimenter (who will be going on the home visit) with the parent over the phone. The parent should be the mom who will be participating in the study with the child.
What is the full name of the person completing the demographic questionnaire with the mother? _________________
Experimenter: “First, we have a few questions about your contact information.” (NOTE: If you already have this information, ask to confirm. Prompt: “We have that your preferred [______] is [_____]. Is this correct?”)
A1. “What is your preferred contact phone number?” (NOTE: If parent refuses to provide/does not have a phone number, enter “N/A”.)
Experimenter: “For every family, we are generating an anonymous, unique ID so that your contact information and name does not have to be associated with your videos/data. In order to do that, we just need some information.”
C1. Site ID:
- Boston University
- California State University – Fullerton California State University – Long Beach
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Cornell University
- CUNY – College of Staten Island
- Georgetown University
- Indiana University
- Michigan State University
- New York University
- Ohio State University
- Penn State
- Princeton University
- Purdue University
- Rutgers University – Newark
- Stanford University
- Tulane University
- University of California – Davis
- University of California – Merced
- University of California – Riverside
- University of California – Santa Cruz
- University of Chicago
- University of Connecticut
- University of Georgia
- University of Houston
- University of Miami
- University of Oregon
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas – Austin
- Vanderbilt University
- Virginia Commonwealth University
C3. Participant ID (i.e. GUID): _________________
Experimenter: “Great, thank you so much! Now, I have some questions about the languages spoken in your home.”
D2. “Do you know his/her due date?”
- Yes
- No
D3. “How much did your baby weigh at birth?”
- Pounds:
- Ounces:
(NOTE: END screener if child was less than 5 pounds and 8 ounces when born.)
D4. “Were there any birth or newborn complications?”
- Yes
- No
(NOTE: Examples of complications that COUNT include cerebral palsy, asphyxiation, any surgery at birth. Examples that DO NOT count as complications include long birth, birth by C-section, and trauma to the mother.)
If yes, please specify:
(NOTE: END screener ONLY if the complication(s) resulted in a hearing, vision, or motor disability.)
D5a. “Has your child been diagnosed with any hearing disabilities, such as hearing loss?”
- Yes
- No
If yes, please specify:
(NOTE: END screener if child has been diagnosed with any hearing disability. Experimenter still needs to specify.)
D6. “Would you describe [CHILD]’s race and ethnicity as…”
Race - 1- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 2- Asian - 3- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - 4- Black or African American - 5- White - 6- More than one - 7- Other - 8- Refused
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino - Not Hispanic or Latino - Refused
Experimenter: “Okay, great! Thank you so much. Now we are going to ask you some questions about [CHILD] sleeping habits.”
E1. “Does anyone else live with you and [CHILD]? And if so, what is their relationship to your child?”
(NOTE: END screener if any other child resides in the home.)
(NOTE: If mother mentions a partner without specifying gender, ask to clarify.)
- Father (Biological)
- Male partner/husband/boyfriend of child’s parent or guardian (Non-biological)
- Mother (Biological)
- Female partner/wife/girlfriend of child’s parent or guardian (Non-biological)
- Partner of child’s parent or guardian (other gender-identifying) (Non- biological)
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Great-grandmother
- Great-grandfather
- Aunt
- Uncle
- Cousin
- Other relative(s): _______________________
- Other non-relative(s): ____________________
F2. “Are you [CHILD]’s biological mother?”
- Yes
- No
(NOTE: END screener if biological mother was younger than 20-yo when [CHILD] was born.)
F3. “Would you describe your race and ethnicity as…”
Race - 1- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 2- Asian - 3- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - 4- Black or African American - 5- White - 6- More than one - 7- Other - 8- Refused
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino - Not Hispanic or Latino - Refused
F4. “In what country were you born?”
- United States
- Puerto Rico
- Other US territory Other country (specify)
F5. “What is the highest grade or year of school that you have completed?”
- 0 No formal schooling
- 1 1st grade
- 2 2nd grade
- 3 3rd grade
- 4 4th grade
- 5 5th grade
- 6 6th grade
- 7 7th grade
- 8 8th grade
- 9 9th grade
- 10 10th grade
- 11 11th grade
- 12 12th grade but no diploma
- 13 GED certificate
- 14 High school diploma/equivalent
- 15 Voc/tech program after high school but no voc/tech diploma
- 16 Voc/tech diploma after high school
- 17 Some college but no degree
- 18 Associate’s degree/other 2-year program degree
- 19 Bachelor’s degree/other 4- or 5- year program degree
- 20 Graduate or professional school but no degree
- 21 Master’s degree (MA, MS)
- 22 Doctorate degree (PhD, EDd)
- 23 Professional degree after bachelor’s (MD; DDS; JD, LLB; etc.)
- Refused
(Note: This section should only be completed if [CHILD]’s biological father is not the in- home partner of the mother participating in the study with [CHILD].)
G1. “Do you know [CHILD]’s biological father’s date of birth?”
- Yes
- No
- Refused
H1a. If yes: “What is his date of birth?” Month ____Day Year (NOTE: END screener if biological father was younger than 20-yo when [CHILD] was born.)
G2. “Would you describe his race/ethnicity as…”
Race - 1- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 2- Asian - 3- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - 4- Black or African American - 5- White - 6- More than one - 7- Other - 8- Refused
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino - Not Hispanic or Latino - Refused
(Note: This section should only be completed if the mother completing the demographic questionnaire with the experimenter is not [CHILD]’s biological mother.)
H2. “Would you describe her race/ethnicity as…”
Race - 1- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 2- Asian - 3- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - 4- Black or African American - 5- White - 6- More than one - 7- Other - 8- Refused
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino - Not Hispanic or Latino - Refused
(Note: Skip to question I3 if the biological father OR biological mother is the in-home partner of the mother participating in the study with [CHILD].)
I2. “Would you describe your partner’s race/ethnicity as…”
Race - 1- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 2- Asian - 3- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - 4- Black or African American - 5- White - 6- More than one - 7- Other - 8- Refused
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino - Not Hispanic or Latino - Refused
(Note: These questions apply to the in-home partner of the mother completing the demographic questionnaire with the experimenter. This could be the biological father or mother of the child, or a non-biological parent of the child who lives in the home with them and is the mother’s partner.)
J1. “What is the highest grade or year of school that he/she has completed?”
- 0 No formal schooling
- 1 1st grade
- 2 2nd grade
- 3 3rd grade
- 4 4th grade
- 5 5th grade
- 6 6th grade
- 7 7th grade
- 8 8th grade
- 9 9th grade
- 10 10th grade
- 11 11th grade
- 12 12th grade but no diploma
- 13 GED certificate
- 14 High school diploma/equivalent
- 15 Voc/tech program after high school but no voc/tech diploma
- 16 Voc/tech diploma after high school
- 17 Some college but no degree
- 18 Associate’s degree/other 2-year program degree
- 19 Bachelor’s degree/other 4- or 5- year program degree
- 20 Graduate or professional school but no degree
- 21 Master’s degree (MA, MS)
- 22 Doctorate degree (PhD, EDd)
- 23 Professional degree after bachelor’s (MD; DDS; JD, LLB; etc.)
- Refused
Experimenter: “Next, I’d like to talk to you about all child care arrangements you have for [CHILD].”
K1. “Does [CHILD] receive care on a regular basis from someone other than [his/her] parents/you or [his/her] parents or guardians? This includes regular care and early childhood programs, whether or not there is a charge or fee, but not occasional babysitting.” (Note: Select all that apply.)
- Nanny/babysitter/friend in the home
- Nanny/babysitter/friend not in the home
- Relative (grandmother, aunt, etc.)
- Childcare center
- None
K3. “How many children are usually cared for together, in the same group at the same time, including [CHILD]?”
- Number of Children: _____