Health visualizations

# Load home_visit_df if not in environment
if (!("health_df" %in% ls())) {
 targets::tar_load(health_df, store="../_targets") 


xtabs(formula = ~ age_group + feeding_breastfeed, data = health_df)
##          feeding_breastfeed
## age_group donotknow  no refused yes
##      12mo         0  13       0 260
##      18mo         1  13       0 268
##      24mo         0  10       1 212
health_df %>%
  dplyr::select(child_sex, feeding_solidfood_age) |>
  dplyr::filter(feeding_solidfood_age < 12) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = feeding_solidfood_age, color = child_sex, fill = child_sex) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 14) +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())
Age at introduction of solid foods

Figure 11: Age at introduction of solid foods

Clearly, there are some impossible values here.

health_df |>
                feeding_solidfood_age) |>
  dplyr::filter(feeding_solidfood_age > 12 | feeding_solidfood_age < 3) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = 'html')
participant_id feeding_solidfood_age
a4T7C3F1A 990
i9P3B3K2A 995
e5M1S1R3A 0
a9M6Q1C1A 999

A preliminary look at feeding_comments_feeding shows that there are some names mentioned.

We should consider flagging these in the QA process.

Sleeping position

These data only focus on child_sleeping_position. Other sleeping data are in the screening questionnaire.

sleeping_pos <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, 
                child_sleeping_position) |>

xtabs(formula = ~ child_sleeping_position + age_group, data = sleeping_pos)
##                        age_group
## child_sleeping_position 12mo 18mo 24mo
##            back          252  269  209
##            changed         4    3    2
##            donotknow       0    1    0
##            other           4    1    1
##            refused         0    0    1
##            side            3    2    5
##            sitting         1    0    1
##            stomach_down    1    1    1
##            stomach_side    8    5    3


smoking_drinking <- health_df |>

xtabs(formula = ~ pregnant_smoking + pregnant_drinking, smoking_drinking)
##                 pregnant_drinking
## pregnant_smoking donotknow  no refused yes
##        donotknow         2   1       0   0
##        no                0 631       1 136
##        refused           0   0       1   0
##        yes               0   1       0   2
xtabs(formula = ~ smoking_house + smoking_car, smoking_drinking)
##              smoking_car
## smoking_house donotknow  no refused yes
##     donotknow         1   1       0   0
##     no                3 753       0   3
##     refused           0   3       1   0
##     yes               0  10       0   3
smoking_drinking |>
  dplyr::select(comments_smoking) |>
  dplyr::filter(! |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html')
D8 not asked/ answered, as questionnaire did not have this question included.
Was not in the paper questionnaire
Family does not have a car.
Family doesn’t have a car
Vape with THC and THC so!etimes smoke when he’s asleep
(Changed answer for D1 from "refused" to "no" during QA. Experimenter had accidentally pressed wrong answer)
Mom stated dad smokes marijuana occasionally outside of house
Dad vapes in the house
(QA Note: D8 was not answered during the home visit. Changed answer from "No" to "Don’t Know" as a result)
Only smoking is at grandma’s house. Grandma smokes.
Smoked half an FT (?) every other day until she found out about pregnancy at 5 weeks; grandmother smokes inside her bedroom
maybe husband vapes in the house
Her husband smokes in the car.
Father vapes in the house, non-tobacco
Child’s birth mother did not smoke cigarettes while she was pregnant with child.
Dad smokes but not in the house
uncle smokes outside
Husband smokes occasionally
smoking stopped after pregnancy
Dad vapes
Vaping in the home/car
Charlotte was adopted. Asked if she knew if birth mom smoked when pregnant, and she said probably.
With her, no. Dad smokes, but different househokld.
Vapes inside the house
Husband smokes outside of the house.
"Smoked a little pot" when pregnant
QA: Answered by non-target mom
Mom does not smoke cigarettes, only marijuana; mom would smoke every other day or so during pregnancy
smoking_drinking |>
  dplyr::select(comments_drinking) |>
  dplyr::filter(! |>
  knitr::kable(format = 'html')
8 months drank 1 glass of wine
Only drank before knowing she was pregnant
Drank before knowing she was pregnant.
E4- Indicated she drank one glass of wine every two weeks
Sip of champagne one
Mom said she stopped drinking when she realized she was pregnant.
8 months drank 1 glass of wine
Had one drink when unaware of pregnancy and night before before water broke
glass of champagne during new years
Mom drank prior to finding out she was pregnant
Some events had up to 4oz nonliquor drinks - rule for herself, not more than that
One glass of wine early in pregnancy
A sip here and there to try, no full drinks while pregnant
Entire pregnancy is maybe around 5 drinks total
Drank one Margarita when 3 weeks pregnant
Had half an alcoholic beverage during second half of second trimester
Had a drink before she found out she was pregnant. Towards the end of the pregnancy at a birthday party had less than 1 drink.
Mom only drank one time during pregnancy (before mom knew she was pregnant) at a wine excursion
Had about five drinks total during pregnancy
She had a few sips of wine throughout the entire pregnancy. Maybe twice total during the pregnancy.
Only 3 glasses of wine in the total pregnancy
Occasionally had one drink during third trimester
Mom is unsure if child’s birth mom drank during pregnancy.
had wine before she found out pregnant
Couple sips of drink
2 drinks total during first trimester
Christmas and new years - had a drink if that
Drank alocoholic beverages prior to knowing she was pregnant.
once a month a glass of wine
Mom drank about one drink per week on average (would never be three per week) in second 3 months of pregnancy; closer to two drinks per week on average in third 3 months
Not since knew pregnant
8 weeks in found out
Drank during first month of pregnancy
only had on average two drinks a week during the first month of the pregnancy
Maybe a sip of wine one time
Occassional sips of wine, but never a full drink
Very very occasional
Maybe one drink during pregnancy
Mom had two glasses of wine during her last trimester but it wasn’t an average week
had the occasional glass of red wine
E2. Parent had 2 drinks in the first 3 months of pregnancy total (not weekly) prior to finding out she was pregnant
Only a glass of red wine
2 total drinks during pregnancy
Only sips of wine, very infrequently.
QA: Mom indicated she had drinks before knowing she pregnant. When asked how many drinks during first 3 months, mom said "0." She said it wasn’t even within first 3 months, she found out she was pregnant very early.
before knowing pregnant
had sip of champagne at wedding
Charlotte is adopted. Mom did not know if birth mom drank during pregnancy.
Once before she knew she was pregnant
Mom indicated she had sip of husbands wine at a party, but not much
She drank before she knew she was pregnant. Had one sip of wine on her birthday when she was about 40 weeks.
Mom mentioned that she sipped on a few drinks in second and third trimesters.
Just one drink ever during pregnancy in 3rd trimester. Had some on her birthdya which was in first month of being pregnant.
During the first 3 weeks before she knew she was pregnant
Took a sip whisky in third trimester
only during 3rd trimester
Drank before she knew she was pregnant
Answered by mom who carried the child she did not participate in natural play
One or two before found out about pregnancy
Had 1 glass of wine at 9.5 months pregnant.
Only had one drink
Only drank before she found out she was pregnant.
1 glass of wine 1 month before bith and had a drink before she knew she pregnant
A few drinks every week
only had one drink before she knew she was pregnant
Half glasses of wine 5x through pregnancy
QA: Answered by non-target mom
First 5 weeks, unaware of pregnancy
Drank the first five weeks when she did not know about her pregnancy
Just during the last weeks of her maybe one glass of wine
Had a drink before knowing she was pregnant

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4)

phq4 <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, contains("phq4_"))

names(phq4) <- gsub(pattern = "phq4_", 
                    replacement = "",

phq4 |>
  tidyr::pivot_longer(!c('child_sex', 'age_group'), 
                      names_to = "question", 
                      values_to = "response") |>
  dplyr::filter(! |>
  dplyr::mutate(response = factor(response,
                ordered = TRUE) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = response, fill = child_sex) +
  geom_bar() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(question), rows = vars(age_group)) +
  scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 90)) +
  xlab("") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())
PHQ4 responses by age group and child sex

Figure 12: PHQ4 responses by age group and child sex

Child health

Overall rating

child_health_rating <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, child_health) |>
  dplyr::filter(! |>
  dplyr::mutate(child_health = factor(child_health,
                                      ordered = TRUE))

xtabs(formula = ~ child_health + age_group, data = child_health_rating)
##             age_group
## child_health 12mo 18mo 24mo
##    poor         0    0    0
##    fair         2    1    1
##    good        12   16   14
##    verygood    69   65   57
##    excellent  190  199  150
##    donotknow    0    1    0
##    refused      0    0    1

Recent vaccination

recent_vax <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, child_vaccination) |>

xtabs(formula = ~ child_vaccination + age_group, data = recent_vax)
##                  age_group
## child_vaccination 12mo 18mo 24mo
##         donotknow    0    2    4
##         no         154  197  173
##         yes        119   83   46

Seen medical specialist

seen_specialist <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, child_medical_specialist) |>

xtabs(formula = ~ child_medical_specialist + age_group, data = seen_specialist)
##                         age_group
## child_medical_specialist 12mo 18mo 24mo
##                donotknow    0    1    2
##                no         138  125  100
##                refused      0    0    1
##                yes        135  156  120

Manual inspection shows some possible identifying information (names) in the comments.

Illnesses and allergies

illness_allergy <- health_df |>
  dplyr::select(child_sex, age_group, contains("illness_"))

names(illness_allergy) <- gsub(pattern = "illness_",
                               replacement = "",

illness_allergy |>
  tidyr::pivot_longer(!c('child_sex', 'age_group'),
                      names_to = "type",
                      values_to = "response") |>
  dplyr::filter(! |>
  dplyr::mutate(response = factor(response,
                                  c("no", "yes", "donotknow", "refused"))) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = response, fill = child_sex) +
  geom_bar() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(type), rows = vars(age_group)) +
  scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 90)) +
  xlab("") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())