if (!('home_visit_df' %in% ls())) {
::tar_load(home_visit_df, store="../_targets")
targets }
This data dictionary workflow does not include the questions that were asked. Adding that, and more descriptive information, is a high priority.
The home visit data are generated by a specific target. We load it here to give us the latest data.
if (!('home_visit_df' %in% ls())) {
::tar_load(home_visit_df, store="../_targets")
targets }
<- datadictionary::create_dictionary(home_visit_df)
::write_csv(hv_dd, paste0(here::here(), "/data/csv/home_visit/dd/PLAY-home-visit-data-dictionary.csv")) readr
Here is a preliminary data dictionary provides:
hv_dd ::kable() |>
kableExtra::kable_classic() kableExtra
item | label | class | summary | value |
Rows in dataset | 341 | |||
Columns in dataset | 272 | |||
participant_id | No label | character | unique responses | 338 |
missing | 0 | |||
start | No label | character | unique responses | 341 |
missing | 0 | |||
end | No label | character | unique responses | 341 |
missing | 0 | |||
note_fillthisoutbeforestudy | No label | character | missing | 341 |
date_today | No label | character | unique responses | 270 |
missing | 0 | |||
site_id | No label | character | unique responses | 30 |
missing | 0 | |||
subject_number | No label | character | unique responses | 74 |
missing | 0 | |||
test_date | No label | character | unique responses | 279 |
missing | 0 | |||
child_sex | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 0 | |||
age_group | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 0 | |||
language_child | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 0 | |||
language_child.english | No label | character | unique responses | 1 |
missing | 0 | |||
language_child.spanish | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 0 | |||
language_instruction | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 0 | |||
acknowledge_site | No label | character | unique responses | 1 |
missing | 0 | |||
note_fillthisoutduringstudy | No label | character | missing | 341 |
note_home_questionnaire | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.locomotor_instructions1 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.locomotor_instructions2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.locomotor_instructions3 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.date_format | No label | character | unique responses | 1 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_5mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_6mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_7mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_8mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_9mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_10mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_11mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_12mo | No label | character | unique responses | 280 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_13mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_14mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_15mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.calc_16mo | No label | character | unique responses | 281 |
missing | 0 | |||
locomotor_milestones.who_walk.who_walk_onset_date | No label | character | unique responses | 280 |
missing | 35 | |||
locomotor_milestones.who_walk.who_walk_onset_mo | No label | character | unique responses | 163 |
missing | 35 | |||
locomotor_milestones.who_walk.walk_onset_check | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.who_walk.comments_who_walk_onset | No label | character | unique responses | 243 |
missing | 74 | |||
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_5mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_6mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_7mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_8mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_9mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_10mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_11mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_12mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_13mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_14mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_15mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates1.note_16mo | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_jan | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_feb | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_marchapril | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_may | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_june | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_july | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_sep | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_oct | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_nov | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.holiday_dec | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday1.memorable_events | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.k_walk.k_walk_onset_date | No label | character | unique responses | 270 |
missing | 38 | |||
locomotor_milestones.k_walk.k_walk_onset_mo | No label | character | unique responses | 172 |
missing | 38 | |||
locomotor_milestones.k_walk.k_walk_onset_check | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.k_walk.comments_k_walk_onset | No label | character | unique responses | 238 |
missing | 85 | |||
locomotor_milestones.crawl_onset.crawl_onset_date | No label | character | unique responses | 269 |
missing | 25 | |||
locomotor_milestones.crawl_onset.crawl_onset_mo | No label | character | unique responses | 165 |
missing | 25 | |||
locomotor_milestones.crawl_onset.crawl_onset_check | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.crawl_onset.comments_crawl_onset | No label | character | unique responses | 241 |
missing | 87 | |||
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_5mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_6mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_7mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_8mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_9mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_10mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_11mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_12mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_13mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_14mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_15mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.dates2.note_16mo_2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_jan2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_feb2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_marchapril2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_may2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_june2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_july2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_sep2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_oct2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_nov2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.holiday_dec2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
locomotor_milestones.holiday2.memorable_events2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.feeding_nutrition.instructions_feeding | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.feeding_nutrition.breastfeed | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.feeding_nutrition.solidfood_age | No label | character | unique responses | 13 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.feeding_nutrition.comments_feeding | No label | character | unique responses | 64 |
missing | 276 | |||
health.general_health.instructions_genhealth | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.general_health.child_sleeping_position | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_health | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vaccination | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_medical_specialist | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.comments_child_medical_special | No label | character | unique responses | 168 |
missing | 170 | |||
health.general_health.child_hearing_tested | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_hearing_tested.birthhospital | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_hearing_tested.afterhome | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_hearing_tested.refused | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_hearing_tested.donotknow | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vision_tested | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vision_tested.birthhospital | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vision_tested.afterhome | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vision_tested.refused | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_vision_tested.donotknow | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_allergies_infections_ill.allergies | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_allergies_infections_ill.ear_infection | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_allergies_infections_ill.asthma | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_allergies_infections_ill.respiratory | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.child_allergies_infections_ill.gastrointestinal | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 8 | |||
health.general_health.comments_allergy_etc | No label | character | unique responses | 155 |
missing | 184 | |||
health.general_health.child_injury_times | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.general_health.comment_injury | No label | character | unique responses | 68 |
missing | 274 | |||
health.general_health.comments_general_health | No label | character | unique responses | 34 |
missing | 308 | |||
health.prenatal.instructions_prenatal | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.prenatal.prenatal_care | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.prenatal.comments_prenatal | No label | character | unique responses | 24 |
missing | 311 | |||
health.smoking.pregnant_smoking | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.smoking.smoking_trimester_1 | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 339 | |||
health.smoking.smoking_trimester_2 | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 339 | |||
health.smoking.smoking_trimester_3 | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 339 | |||
health.smoking.mom_smoking_now | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.smoking.mom_smoking_now_amount | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 338 | |||
health.smoking.smoking_house | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.smoking.smoking_car | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 5 | |||
health.smoking.comments_smoking | No label | character | unique responses | 11 |
missing | 331 | |||
health.drinking.pregnant_drinking | No label | character | unique responses | 4 |
missing | 6 | |||
health.drinking.drinking_trimester_1 | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 291 | |||
health.drinking.drinking_trimester_2 | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 290 | |||
health.drinking.drinking_trimester_3 | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 292 | |||
health.drinking.comments_drinking | No label | character | unique responses | 27 |
missing | 315 | |||
health.phq4.note_phq4 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.phq4.instructions_phq4 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
health.phq4.phq4_nervous | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 6 | |||
health.phq4.phq4_worrying | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 7 | |||
health.phq4.phq4_littleinterest | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 7 | |||
health.phq4.phq4_down | No label | character | unique responses | 5 |
missing | 6 | |||
health.phq4.comments_phq4 | No label | character | unique responses | 14 |
missing | 328 | |||
rothbart.instructions_rothbart1 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
rothbart.instructions_rothbart2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
rothbart.rothbartquestions.instructions_rothbart3 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_unfamiliarperson | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_troubletask | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_companyofchild | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_choiceactivities | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_quietlysung | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_playingoutdoors | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_morethan10 | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_respondingremarks | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_excitedlovedadults | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_fiddlehair | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_roughrowdy | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_rockedhugged | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_involvednewactivity | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_tirequickly | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_callattention | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_tags | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 9 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_noisyenvironment | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_energy | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_vehicles | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_active | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 9 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_forbidden | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_sadlytearful | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_downblue | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_runhouse | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_excitingevent | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_tempertantrum | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_waitpatiently | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_rockedsmile | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 9 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_mold | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_interactadult | No label | character | unique responses | 8 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_careful | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_enternewplace | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 9 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_crymorethan3 | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_easilysoothed | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_busyother | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 7 | |||
rothbart.rothbartquestions.rothbart_differentpeople | No label | character | unique responses | 9 |
missing | 8 | |||
rothbart.comments_rothbart | No label | character | unique responses | 17 |
missing | 325 | |||
mediause.mediause_instructions1 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
mediause.home_technology | No label | character | unique responses | 31 |
missing | 8 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.home_technology.dvd | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.home_technology.ipad | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.home_technology.educationalgame | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.home_technology.videogame | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.technology_child_tv | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 19 | |||
mediause.tv_how | No label | character | unique responses | 259 |
missing | 49 | |||
mediause.technology_child_dvd | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 224 | |||
mediause.dvd_how | No label | character | unique responses | 25 |
missing | 317 | |||
mediause.technology_child_computer | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 26 | |||
mediause.computer_how | No label | character | unique responses | 96 |
missing | 242 | |||
mediause.technology_child_ipad | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 95 | |||
mediause.ipad_how | No label | character | unique responses | 136 |
missing | 201 | |||
mediause.technology_child_educational | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 250 | |||
mediause.educational_how | No label | character | unique responses | 69 |
missing | 272 | |||
mediause.technology_child_videogame | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 136 | |||
mediause.videogame_how | No label | character | unique responses | 41 |
missing | 301 | |||
mediause.tv_hours_per_day | No label | character | unique responses | 59 |
missing | 15 | |||
mediause.note_tv_hours_per_day | No label | character | missing | 341 |
mediause.techuse.instructions_technology_use | No label | character | missing | 341 |
mediause.techuse.meals | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.techuse.playtime | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 8 | |||
mediause.techuse.bedtime | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 10 | |||
mediause.techuse.transportation | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 11 | |||
mediause.comments_technology | No label | character | unique responses | 49 |
missing | 293 | |||
pets.pets_at_home | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 7 | |||
pets.pets_types_number | No label | character | unique responses | 98 |
missing | 129 | |||
pets.pets_indoors_outdoors | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 129 | |||
pets.comments_pets | No label | character | unique responses | 35 |
missing | 307 | |||
division_labor.instructions_labor1 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.instructions_labor2 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.instructions_labor3 | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.laundry.instructions_laundry | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.laundry.laundry_self | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | |||
division_labor.laundry.laundry_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 25 | |||
division_labor.laundry.laundry_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 189 | |||
division_labor.laundry.labor_laundry_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 60 |
missing | 258 | ||| | No label | character | missing | 341 | | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 6 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 22 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 151 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 111 |
missing | 196 | |||
division_labor.dishwashing.instruction_dishes | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.dishwashing.dishes_self | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 6 | |||
division_labor.dishwashing.dishes_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 24 | |||
division_labor.dishwashing.dishes_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 186 | |||
division_labor.dishwashing.labor_dishes_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 68 |
missing | 241 | ||| | No label | character | missing | 341 | | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 23 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 194 | ||| | No label | character | unique responses | 56 |
missing | 260 | |||
division_labor.feeding.instructions_labor_feeding | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.feeding.feeding_self | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | |||
division_labor.feeding.feeding_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 23 | |||
division_labor.feeding.feeding_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 140 | |||
division_labor.feeding.labor_feeding_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 111 |
missing | 183 | |||
division_labor.droppick.instructions_droppick | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.droppick.droppick_self | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 5 | |||
division_labor.droppick.droppick_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 43 | |||
division_labor.droppick.droppick_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 7 |
missing | 227 | |||
division_labor.droppick.labor_droppick_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 30 |
missing | 301 | |||
division_labor.bed.instructions_bed | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.bed.bed_self | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | |||
division_labor.bed.bed_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 25 | |||
division_labor.bed.bed_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 208 | |||
division_labor.bed.labor_bed_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 42 |
missing | 284 | |||
division_labor.disciplining.instructions_disciplining | No label | character | missing | 341 |
division_labor.disciplining.disciplining_self | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 5 | |||
division_labor.disciplining.disciplining_partner | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 24 | |||
division_labor.disciplining.disciplining_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 6 |
missing | 186 | |||
division_labor.disciplining.labor_disciplining_otherperson | No label | character | unique responses | 65 |
missing | 247 | |||
division_labor.comments_division_labor | No label | character | unique responses | 38 |
missing | 304 | |||
typical_day.instructions_typical_day | No label | character | missing | 341 |
typical_day.typical_behavior | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 6 | |||
typical_day.typical_behavior_specifics | No label | character | unique responses | 27 |
missing | 315 | |||
typical_day.typical_activities | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 6 | |||
typical_day.typical_activities_specifics | No label | character | unique responses | 49 |
missing | 293 | |||
typical_day.typical_nightmorning | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 7 | |||
typical_day.typical_nightmorning_specifics | No label | character | unique responses | 88 |
missing | 253 | |||
typical_day.typical_otherthanme | No label | character | unique responses | 3 |
missing | 6 | |||
typical_day.typical_otherthanme_specifics | No label | character | unique responses | 47 |
missing | 295 | |||
acknowledge_questionnaires | No label | character | unique responses | 2 |
missing | 5 |
An alternative approach to generating the data dictionary starts with the questionnaire files themselves.