We load functions needed to download KBT screening/demographic questionnaire files.
fl <-list.files(file.path(here::here(), "R"), "^kobo_|^file_|^screen_|CONSTANTS", full.names =TRUE)purrr::walk(fl, source)library(tidyverse) # for the `magrittr` pipe `%>%`
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5
✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1
✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.1
✔ purrr 1.0.2
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Retrieve from KoBoToolbox (KBT)
We make use of the targets package for downloading data files from KoBoToolbox and for saving local XLSX and CSV copies. This allows us to download and process those files on a regular basis.
This excerpt from _targets.R shows two of these ‘targets’:
We have two targets specified in _targets.R that handle the regular downloading of screening data files.
First, we generate a data frame of KoBoToolbox forms that contain the screening (“Demographic”) data. Here is the target for that process:
# Not evaluatedtar_target( kb_screen_df,kobo_list_data_filtered("[Dd]emographic"),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = kb_screen,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),
Then we download and save the raw XLSX files to ../data/xlsx/screening using kobo_retrieve_save_many_xlsx(kb_screen_df, save_dir = "../data/xlsx/screening"). Finally, we convert the XLSX files to CSVs via file_load_xlsx_save_many_csv("../data/xlsx/screening", "../data/csv/screening", "Demographic"). The latter two steps are handled by the wrapper function screen_download_convert(kb_screen_df, "data/xlsx/screening", "data/csv/screening"). Here is the accompanying target:
# Gather## Collection protocol {-}Details about the data collection [protocol for participant screening and recruiting](https://www.play-project.org/collection.html#Participant_Recruitment) can be found on the [PLAY Project website](https://play-project.org).### Setup {-}We load functions needed to download KBT screening/demographic questionnaire files.```{r}fl <-list.files(file.path(here::here(), "R"), "^kobo_|^file_|^screen_|CONSTANTS", full.names =TRUE)purrr::walk(fl, source)library(tidyverse) # for the `magrittr` pipe `%>%````## Retrieve from KoBoToolbox (KBT) {-}We make use of the `targets` package for downloading data files from KoBoToolboxand for saving local XLSX and CSV copies.This allows us to download and process those files on a regular basis.This excerpt from `_targets.R` shows two of these 'targets':```r# Download screening/demographic surveytar_target( kb_screen_df,kobo_list_data_filtered(kb_df, "[Dd]emographic"),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = kb_screen,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),tar_target( screen_download,screen_download_convert(kb_screen_df, "data/xlsx/screening", "data/csv/screening"),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = screen_df,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),```The `kb_df` data frame is input to the first target `kb_screen_df`. `kb_df` is generated when the following target is generated (by `kobo_list_data()`).```rtar_target( kb_df,kobo_list_data(),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = kb_df,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),```### Download {-}We have two targets specified in `_targets.R` that handle the regular downloading of screening data files.First, we generate a data frame of KoBoToolbox forms that contain the screening ("Demographic") data.Here is the target for that process:```r# Not evaluatedtar_target( kb_screen_df,kobo_list_data_filtered("[Dd]emographic"),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = kb_screen,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),```Then we download and save the raw XLSX files to `../data/xlsx/screening` using `kobo_retrieve_save_many_xlsx(kb_screen_df, save_dir = "../data/xlsx/screening")`.Finally, we convert the XLSX files to CSVs via `file_load_xlsx_save_many_csv("../data/xlsx/screening", "../data/csv/screening", "Demographic")`.The latter two steps are handled by the wrapper function `screen_download_convert(kb_screen_df, "data/xlsx/screening", "data/csv/screening")`.Here is the accompanying target:```r# Download screening/demographic surveytar_target( screen_download,screen_download_convert(kb_screen_df, "data/xlsx/screening", "data/csv/screening"),cue = tarchetypes::tar_cue_age(name = screen_df,age =as.difftime(update_interval, units = update_interval_units) ) ),```We can confirm that these functions have run properly, as follows:```{r}#| label: list-downloaded-screening-demo-csvscreening_fl <-list.files("../data/csv/screening/", pattern ="*.csv$")```### Survey questionsThere are *n*=`{r} length(screening_fl)` screening/demographic data files.The KoBoToolbox API enables us to download a table with the questions, as follows.```{r}#| label: list-screening-demog-questionnairestargets::tar_load(kb_screen_df, store="../_targets")kb_screen_df```Based on this information, we know that the questionnaires may be downloaded from the following URLs:```{r}#| label: list screening-demog-questionnaire-urlspaste0("https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/api/v2/assets/", kb_screen_df$id_string, ".xls")```We import and clean the screening/demographic data in the next section.